
Age old methods with modern implements to help you reach your highest potential through self knowledge.



Are you amongst those who hear a calling? You know for certain that there is something beyond the physical.  You may have even have glimpses into this through your intuitive senses.  You have experienced things that are beyond chance.  You want to know more.  And more than anything else, you want to be a part of it…

All things in nature communicate in terms of shapes.  This is true whether it is a physical shape, or vibratory shape.  It is truly the universal language making it very sacred to the mystery schools.  Throughout the ages, the sages have discovered ways to harness the power and magic of these sacred geometries…

It is said that Religion is your faith in someone else’s experience and that Spirituality is trust in your own experience.  Nothing ringers truer than that when it comes down to the Mystery School Teachings.  It is so easy to become distracted by conflicted information when it comes to the world of spirit…


We share this world and cosmos with so many other beings that are not normally seen.  Perhaps you are one of those very special intuitive people who have already had experiences with some of these beings by chance.  By know these beings, we discover the bigger picture of “we are not alone”…

Here you will be guided in Seven different meditative journeys into the astral world where you will begin to construct the foundations of your own personal sanctuary and produce your own personal spiritual tools…