
Sacred Geometry

All things in nature communicate in terms of shapes.  This is true whether it is a physical shape, or vibratory shape.  It is truly the universal language making it very sacred to the mystery schools.  Throughout the ages, the sages have discovered ways to harness the power and magic of these sacred geometries.  The mystery schools have absorbed this knowledge and have been passing it down along the ages.

Sacred Geometry 1

Here you are handed down the three keys of heaven.  This will allow you to do several things:

  1. Bring the magic of sacred geometry into all your work.

  2. Create sacred space wherever you go.

  3. Use the three keys to help you manifest what you need the most.

              Sacred Geometry 2

Here, using the geometries of crystals, you can become a true crystal worker:

  1. Learn how to do a crystal healing.

  2. Learn how to permanently use a crystal grid to bring down the divine energies of protection and abundance into your home and workspace.

  3. Be able to do this for others on a professional basis.